This is a fine Saint-Emilion of the old school, with lovely sumptuousness of fruit and tannins which were chewy when young, but are now mellowing to a wonderful, velvet plushness. The Château La Gaffelière vineyard is superbly-situated: oriented towards the south, and covering 25 hectares, 22 of which are in a single parcel between Châteaux Ausone and Pavie. Hillsides are calcareous clay, while the lower slopes are more sandy. The vineyard is planted with 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc.
Saint Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classé
Château la Gaffelière
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After manual harvest, grapes from diverse parcels are vinified separately. Cold maceration precedes yeast inoculation for fermentation. Maceration occurs in thermo-regulated tanks at 28°C, with ongoing tasting guiding running off. Malolactic softens the wine in new barrels and steel tanks. Blending in late winter before oak maturation for 10-12 months.
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Product Specification
Sub RegionSaint-Émilion
StyleMedium to Full Bodied
ClosureNatural Cork
Alcohol %14%
Unit Volume75cl