This is a fine Saint-Emilion of the old school, with lovely sumptuousness of fruit and tannins which were chewy when young, but are now mellowing to a wonderful, velvet plushness. The Château La... Read more
2014 13.5% ABV 75cl
Single£35.00Multibuy ? Save 10%: £31.50 per bottle when you mix 12+ bottles£31.50 Buy 12+ Save £3.50 -
This is a fine Saint-Emilion of the old school, with lovely sumptuousness of fruit and tannins which were chewy when young, but are now mellowing to a wonderful, velvet plushness. The Château La... Read more
2014 14.5% ABV 75cl
Single£88.50Multibuy ? Save 10%: £79.65 per bottle when you mix 12+ bottles£79.65 Buy 12+ Save £8.85 -
This is a fine Saint-Emilion of the old school, with lovely sumptuousness of fruit and tannins which were chewy when young, but are now mellowing to a wonderful, velvet plushness. The Château La... Read more
2011 14% ABV 75cl
Single£110.00Multibuy ? Save 10%: £99.00 per bottle when you mix 12+ bottles£99.00 Buy 12+ Save £11.00 -
This Premier Grand Cru Classé Saint Emilion is utterly beautiful: expressive, intense, perfumed and so silky-succulent. It has fantastic harmony and balance, and wonderful texture to the tannins. The... Read more
2016 14% ABV 150cl
Single£220.00Multibuy ? Save 10%: £198.00 per bottle when you mix 12+ bottles£198.00 Buy 12+ Save £22.00 -
This is a fine Saint-Emilion of the old school, with lovely sumptuousness of fruit and tannins which were chewy when young, but are now mellowing to a wonderful, velvet plushness. The Château La... Read more
2015 14% ABV 150cl
Single£220.00Multibuy ? Save 10%: £198.00 per bottle when you mix 12+ bottles£198.00 Buy 12+ Save £22.00