New Zealand Fine Wine

It was the high sugar, high acid style of Sauvignons from the northern tip of the South Island in Marlborough that really accelerated interest in New Zealand and first tickled the world's wine drinkers' attention with its zingy, intense and aromatic wines. But as New Zealand continues to explore its geological patchwork of jagged mountain ranges, open plains, volcanic plateau and endless stretches of coastline for other perfect combinations of terroir and grape, it is discovering more and more exciting styles. Not just of Sauvignon but of other grapes too, such as Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir, which thrive in this unique microclimate. Our own New Zealand selection provides a wonderful cross-section of styles which illustrates this perfectly, with wines from Waimauku, Wairarapa, Marlborough and Central Otago.

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